Our steam lessonS

  • The lesson covers the science of Color (e.g., Newton’s work on Optics and Prisms). It also looks at real work topics such as the importance of Color Theory in Design and Engineering - especially in developing Graphical User Interfaces and Industrial Design.


    Why are Colors Important?​

    Isaac Newton and the Color Spectrum​

    The Color Wheel​

    Color Theory​

    Mathematics and Colors​

    How Our Eyes and Brain Perceive and Identify Colors​

    Color Vision Deficiencies ​

    Art and Colors​

    Colors in Nature​

    A History of Natural Pigments and Dyes​

    Color Engineering​

    Colors and Information Technology​

    Colors, Logos and Branding​

    Colors and Digital Product Design​

    Hands on Activities​

    To Purchase the Lesson Plan for $29.99, - click here

  • Elon Tesla is well known for his ambitious plans to popularize self-driving electric vehicles. In doing so, he continues to be an innovator in the enabling technology of AI.

    This lesson plan covers the various aspects of AI that assist in searching. and plarning to to optimize driving routese. We also look at the computer vision to identify obstacles and to make decisions on the highways.

    A benefit of studying this use case is that the same technologies are also used in other autonomous systems such as flying drones.

  • AI is being used by leading cybersecurity companies to detect and respond to the most sophisticated attacks.

  • What is Biomedical Science

    Why AI Is Suited for Biomedical Science

    AI and Biotechnology

    AI and Medical Imaging

    AI and Pharmacology

    AI and Protein Folding​

    AI and Biocomputing

  • Recent advances in both Robotics and AI are creating opportunities in manufacturing, factory automation and defense.

  • Explore the confluence of AI and IOT and the various use cases that this technology supports (Smart Cities, Smart Homes, Remote Patient Monitoring, Precision Farming, Predictive Maintenance, Smart Traffic Management, and more). Includes, Hand-On lesson using the mBot and Arduino.

  • Greenhouses are important for farmers, particularly when growing plants with harsh winter climates. This lesson explores the engineering that goes into construction energy-efficient, modern greenhouses - as well as the plants that can be grown in different climates around the country.

  • In her book “Science Fiction”. part of the MIT Essential Knowledge Series”, Sherryl Vine explores “How science fiction has been a tool for understanding and living through rapid technological change”. Though not technically a history of science fiction, the book looks at how sci-fi has stimulated young minds, who in turn shaped the future with their inventiveness.

  • This lesson plan explores the nature of inventiveness. Visual Arts have been shown to heighten creativity, improve cognitive development and heighten curiosity - all necessary traits for inventors.

    Leonardo daVinci, possibly history’s greatest inventor, was also one of its finest artists. Steve Jobs was fascinated with design and calligraghy - thus helping to perfect the Macintosh and the iPhone. Samuel Morse invented the telegraph and Morse Code, but he was also a very talented landscape painter. In fact, there are numerous examples of this phenomenon throughout history.

  • This lesson plan examines the history of the Scientific Method from the Ancient Egyptians and Greeks, through Renaissance era figures like Rene Descartes and Galileo - to the Scientific Revolution led by Roger Bacon and Isaac Newton.

    We then review today’s established principles, (Question, Research, Hypothesis, Experiment, Data Analysis, Conclusion, and Communication) in light of AI and Machine Learning. The goal is to motivate students to think about how AI can help design experiments, generate hypotheses and interpret data.

  • Scientific discovery has led to the development of models - and these models can be reviewed in the context of the Arts. These are the models we will take a look at:

    1) Watson and Crick Double Helix

    2) Rutherford-Bohrs Model of the Atom

    3) Model of the Solar System

    4) Mendeleev’s Periodic Table

  • Science and Art

  • This module looks at the direct relationship between mathematics and music, starting with the invention of the musical scale by the Greek Mathematician, Pythagoras.

  • A career in Architecture requires both a creative mind and a sound understanding of engineering.