the steam hall of Fame

  • Leonardo Da Vinci

    Scientist, Inventor, Painter - Considered to be the Greatest STEAM Figure of all time

  • Archimedes

    Archimedes was an ancient Greek mathematician, engineer, physicist and astronomer. He is famous for approximating the value of PI, inventing the screw propeller and for his achievements with water hydraulics and the lever.

  • michelangelo

    A Renaissance stand out, he painted the Sistine Chapel and Sculpted the Statue of David and Pieta. Michelangelo was passionate about his study of anatomy, and was known to perform his own dissections. This is the reason for the incredible level of details in his paintings and sculptures.

  • Albert Einstein

    A giant among physicists,. Einstein was considered by many to be on par with Newton. He discovered the Theory of Relativity and gave us E=MC2, He also was an accomplished violinist, having taken piano and violin lessons as a young boy. Einstein was even a gifted landscape and portrait painter who often exhibited his work.

  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo was an Italian physicist, engineer and astronomer who lived durilg the Renaissance era. His vast scientific contributions cover modern-era classical physics and the scientific method. He discovered the laws of free fall, projectile motion, and the concept of inertia.

    Although Galileo did not actually invent the telescope, he is credited with drastically improving the invention by Dutch lens maker Hans Lippershey. Perhaps of greater importance is what he observed with his telescope.

    Galileo is credited with identifying the mountains on the moon, the moons of Jupiter, and the rings of Saturn. And so he is named “The Father of Observational Astronomy”.

  • Zhang Heng

    Zhang Henge was an astronomer, mathematician, seismologist ani engineer who lived in China around the 2nd Century A.D. Hnvented the world's first water-powered armillary sphere to assist astronomical observation - and he invented the first seismoscope.

  • Sir Isaac Newton

    Perhaps the greatest physicist. Newton gave us understanding of Optics and Gravity. He was also one of the inventors of Calculus. While at Cambridge University, Newton intently studied music theory, and wrote about his observations. Some accounts indicate he was a casual player of the flute.

  • Steve Jobs

    A modern day genius and technologist, Jobs co-founded Apple Computer in the mid-1970’s. He oversaw the introduction of the Macintosh and the iPhone - two of the most successful consumer products in history. Jobs was passionate about industrial design and packaging. This creative talent helped differentiate Apple in the world of stodgy tech designs. His study of calligraphy actually helped in the selection of fonts Apple devices would feature.

  • Pablo Picasso

    Picasso was a Spanish painter who was one of the most influential and prolific artists of the 20th century.

    Picasso co-founded the Cubist movement along with George Braques - and in so doing, paved the way for several generations of abstract painters.

  • Mary Shelley

    Author of “Frankenstein (1818), considered by many to be the first work of Science Fiction

  • Samuel Morse

    Samuel Morse was the inventor of the Telegraph, and Morse Code. He was also a renowned landscape painter.

  • Katherine Johnson

    Creola Katherine Johnson was an African-American mathematician and NASA scientist who was an essential part of early U.S. crewed spaceflights. Her specialty was a field known as orbital mechanics. Katherine’s ability to manually calculate complex formulae was vital to the introduction of computers wittin the Space Program.

  • Marie Curie

    One of the greatest scientists of the 19th century (or anytime for that matter), Curie was the only scientist to win Nobel prizes in two fields, Chemistry and Physics. Her work with radiation led to the discovery of the element Polium, in addition to ground breaking work on cancer treatments.

  • Thomas Edison

    Edison’s inventions helped to shape the second part of the 19th Century.

  • Walt Disney

    Disney was a talented artist who pioneered the world of animated films. He also invented the multi-plane camera and technicolor, thus making it possible to create more realistic and vibrant animated films.

  • Mary Cassatt

    Mary Cassatt was an American painter and printmaker, who was a central figure of the Impressionist movement.She used softground etching with aquatint to make her prints.

  • Ada Lovelace

    Ada Lovelace was a 19th Century English mathematician who created a program for Charles Babbage’s prototype of a digital computer. She has been recognized as the first computer programmer.

    The second Tuesday in October has become Ada Lovelace Day, on which the contributions of women to STEM are recognized. The object oriented compute language, ADA is named after this Steam Hall of Famer.

  • John Audubon

    John Audubon was a self-trained artist and ornithologist who completed detailed illisrations of nearly 500 species of birds in North America.

  • Ludwig Van Beethoven

    Beethoven was a German classical composer, widely accepted as the greatest maestro of the Symphony.

  • Wassily Kandinsky

    Kandinsky was a 20th century Russian abstract painter and theorist. His short book “Concerning the Spiritual in Art” helped to shape modern views on the Psychology of Color.

  • Nikola Tesla

    Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor, and electrical engineer. He pioneered the use of alternating current (AC electricity), and in so doing was a direct competitor to Thomas Edison who led the way with DC (Direct Current) Electricity. Tesla was considered by many to have the superior product, but ultimately lost out to Edison - who proved to be a more influential businessman.

  • James Clerk Maxwell

    James Clerk Maxwell

    James Clerk Maxwell was a Scottish physicist best known for his formulation of the classical theory of electromagnetic radiation. His set of equations, known as Maxwell’s equations, describe how electric and magnetic fields are generated by charges, currents, and changes of the fields. These equations also show that light is an electromagnetic wave.

  • Alan Turing

    Alan Turing is a giant in the history of Artificial Intelligence.

  • Robert Goddard

    Robert Goddard was the father of modern rocketry. Although his work went largely noticed until after his death in 1945, it would not have been possible to land on the moon in 1969.

  • Frank Lloyd Wright

    Frank Lloyd Wright is the renowned architect and educator who was best known as the creator of “Organic Architecture”. The most famous ef his nearly 1,000 creationsi is a house in Pennsylvania known as “Falling Water”. Wright also designed the Guggenheim Modern Art Museum in New York City.

  • Robert Moses

    Robert Moses transformed New York City’s infrastructure of bridges, roads and tunnels during the mid-20th century. He was also the archtect of the 1964 World’s Fair that was held in Flushing Meadows, Queens..

  • Neil deGrasse Tyson

    Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist, author and Science Communicator. He has written such books as The Pluto Files (2009) and has hosted his own television serieshis series about science, Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey (2014).

  • Elon Musk

    Elon Musk is considered to have ihe most brilliamt mind of the 21st Century. Although he is best known for his innovative electric car company, Tesla Motors; Musk has been associated with many companies, including PayPal, SpaceX, the Boring Compaey, and Neuralink. Musk is also on the Board of Directors of Open AI, the organization that created ChatGPT.

  • Carlos Santana

    Carlos Santana is a Mexican-American musician - one of the most influential guitarists and band leaders of our time. His music is multi-cultural and spans multiple genres from rock and roll to blues to jazz.