Here we uncover “Knowledge Ingots” that have been mined in the fields of Scientist, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. Special attention is provided to Ingots where AI and Machine Learning have provided the catalyst for the mining (see asterisked items). Each Ingot will be referred to within the Steam Pilot Lesson Plans.

  • Scientists have recently used AI to learn about protein folding and the structure of tens of thousands of proteins. Using Alphafold, an AI program developed by DeepMind, scientists are developing treatments for a whole new set of diseases.

  • A nanometer (nm) is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one billionth of a meter (10^-9 meters). It is commonly used to measure things on the molecular and atomic scales, such as the wavelengths of light, the dimensions of biological structures, and the sizes of semiconductor components in electronics.

    Definition and Scale

    • Size Comparison:

      • 1 nanometer = 0.000000001 meters (10^-9 meters)

      • For context, a single strand of human DNA is about 2.5 nanometers in diameter.

      • A typical human hair is about 80,000 to 100,000 nanometers wide.

      • A red blood cell is approximately 7,000 nanometers in diameter.


    1. Nanotechnology:

      • Nanomaterials: Materials engineered at the nanometer scale often exhibit unique properties, such as increased strength, lighter weight, and higher chemical reactivity. Examples include carbon nanotubes and quantum dots.

      • Nanodevices: The development of nanoscale devices, such as nanosensors and nanorobots, has potential applications in medicine, electronics, and environmental monitoring.

    2. Semiconductor Industry:

      • Transistors: Modern microprocessors use transistors with dimensions measured in nanometers. The smaller the transistor, the more can fit on a chip, increasing computing power and efficiency.

      • Manufacturing Processes: Semiconductor fabrication processes are often described in terms of nanometers, such as the 7nm, 5nm, or even 3nm process nodes.

    3. Biology and Medicine:

      • Biological Structures: Many biological structures, such as proteins, viruses, and cell membranes, are best described in nanometers. This scale is crucial for understanding cellular processes and developing medical treatments.

      • Drug Delivery: Nanoparticles can be used for targeted drug delivery, improving the efficacy and reducing the side effects of treatments.

    4. Optics and Photonics:

      • Wavelengths of Light: Visible light has wavelengths in the range of approximately 400 to 700 nanometers. Understanding and manipulating light at this scale is essential for developing optical devices such as lasers and photonic circuits.

      • Nano-Optics: The field of nano-optics involves studying and controlling light at the nanometer scale, with applications in imaging, sensing, and information processing.

    5. Materials Science:

      • Surface Properties: Nanotechnology allows for the modification of surface properties of materials, leading to innovations like self-cleaning surfaces, enhanced catalysts, and improved coatings.

    Measurement and Tools

    • Electron Microscopy: Scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) and transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) are capable of imaging structures at the nanometer scale.

    • Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM): AFM is a type of scanning probe microscopy with very high resolution, able to measure features at the nanometer level by "feeling" the surface with a mechanical probe.


    • Precision and Control: Working at the nanometer scale requires extremely precise control over the fabrication and manipulation of materials, often pushing the limits of current technology.

    • Cost and Scalability: The cost of developing and manufacturing nanoscale materials and devices can be high, and scaling up production to industrial levels presents additional challenges.

  • Independently developed by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in the late 17th century, calculus provides a framework for understanding changes and motion. It includes the concepts of differentiation and integration, which are essential in physics, engineering, economics, and many other fields.

  • CRISPR-Cas9 is a revolutionary gene-editing technology that allows scientists to add, remove, or alter genetic material within an organism's DNA. It's being explored for potential treatments for genetic disorders, cancer, and even the modification of crops for better yield.m description

  • Modern cryptography, which heavily relies on mathematical concepts such as number theory, algebra, and computational complexity, has revolutionized secure communication.

    The development of public-key cryptography by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman, and independently by Ralph Merkle, laid the foundation for secure digital communication.

    Bitcoin uses a system of public and private keys to manage ownership and transfer of bitcoins. The public key is used as an address to receive bitcoins, while the private key is used to sign transactions, proving ownership.

  • Thomas Edison to use Isaac Newton’s famous line “Stood On the Shoulders of Giants”. There were numerous scientists who contributed to his understanding of electricity.

    The timeline began around 600 BC with the Greek philosopher Thales - and proceeded to William Gilbert to Robert Boyle to Benjamin Franklin onto Alesandro Volta, A.C. Maxwell and Michael Faraday.

    It was Faraday’s discovery in 1821 of the principle of electro-magnetic rotation that would later be the key to developing the electric motor. And it was Joseph Swan who actually invented the first incandescent lightbulb; however, his lightbulb burned out quickly

  • Most students of Biology are aware of the Watson & Crick Double Helix Model of DNA. Fewer take note of the research by Rosalind Franklin that pre-dated the DNA model of 1962. Working in the laboratory of Maurice Wilkins, Franklin exposed a crystallized form of DNA to X-Rays to reveal clues about the structure of the molecule.

    Franklin discovered that some of the rays are deflected by the atoms in the crystal, forming a diffraction pattern. Watson and Crick then employed this imaging, along with Edwin Chargaff’s findings about A, C, T, G nucleotides - to come up with their model.

    Watson and Crick, along with Chargaff and Wilkins received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1962. Unfortunately, Franklin had by then passed away - and prizes were not awarded posthumously.

    • Thousands of exoplanets (planets outside our solar system) have been discovered, some within the habitable zones of their stars where conditions might be right for life. The Kepler Space Telescope and other missions have significantly advanced our understanding of these distant worlds.

  • A geodesic dome is a spherical or partial-spherical structure composed of a network of triangles. This triangular network distributes stress evenly across the structure, making it exceptionally strong relative to its weight.

    The concept of geodesic structures can be traced back to earlier mathematical work by engineers and mathematicians like Walther Bauersfeld, who designed a geodesic dome for the Zeiss planetarium in 1922. However, it was popularized by Buckminster Fuller - who improved the design and made it suitable for commercial production.

  • Widespread use of cloud computing began in 2006 when Amazon sold its excess e-commerce Internat capacity as The Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

  • Cubism is an early-20th century art movement that presented objects in multi-dimensional abstract forms. The movement was pioneered by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, and had a profound influence on both painting and sculpture - and went on to inspire related art movements n music, literature, and architecture.

  • Discovered by a group of French teenagers in 1940, the Lascaux Cave paintings date back around 17,000 years and feature vivid depictions of animals such as horses, deer, and bison. These Paleolithic cave paintings provide insight into early human life and artistic expression.

  • Hiram Bingham rediscovered this Incan citadel high in the Andes. The site’s architecture, terracing, and stonework exemplify Incan art and engineering skills, offering insights into their civilization.

  • Developed by Blaise Pascal, Pierre de Fermat, and later formalized by Andrey Kolmogorov, probability theory provides a mathematical framework for analyzing random events. It is fundamental in fields such as statistics, finance, and many branches of science.Item description

  • Discovered by the ancient Greek, Pythagoras of Samus around 550 BC , the Pythagorean theorem states that in a right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides (a² + b² = c²). This theorem is fundamental in geometry.

    While the theorem was known to Babylonian mathematicians before Pythagoras, he and his followers are credited with providing the first known proof.

  • Discovered by French soldiers during Napoleon’s campaign in Egypt, the Rosetta Stone features a decree in three scripts: Greek, Demotic, and hieroglyphic. It was instrumental in deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs, opening up the study of ancient Egyptian culture and art.

  • Development of the Internet

    Early Concepts:

    J.C.R. Licklider: In 1962, Licklider of MIT discussed his "Galactic Network" concept, envisioning a globally interconnected set of computers through which everyone could quickly access data and programs from any site.

    1. ARPANET:

      • Origins: The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) was funded by the U.S. Department of Defense in the late 1960s. ARPANET was the first network to implement the TCP/IP protocol suite, laying the foundation for the internet.

      • First Connection: The first message was sent over ARPANET on October 29, 1969, from UCLA to Stanford Research Institute.

    2. TCP/IP Protocol:

      • Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn: In the 1970s, Cerf and Kahn developed the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol (IP), which became the standard networking protocols for the ARPANET and eventually the internet.

    3. Development of the World Wide Web:

      • Tim Berners-Lee: In 1989, while working at CERN, Berners-Lee proposed the World Wide Web, an information management system that allowed documents to be linked through hypertext. He also developed the first web browser and web server.

      • Launch: The World Wide Web became publicly available in 1991, revolutionizing how information is accessed and shared on the internet.

    4. Commercialization and Growth:

      • 1990s Boom: The internet transitioned from a primarily academic and governmental network to a commercial and public network in the 1990s, leading to the dot-com boom.

      • Web Browsers: The development of user-friendly web browsers like Mosaic and Netscape Navigator in the early 1990s made the web accessible to a wider audience.

  • The Printing Press: An Overview

    1. Johannes Gutenberg:

      • Invention: Johannes Gutenberg, a German blacksmith, goldsmith, printer, and publisher, is credited with inventing the movable type printing press around 1440.

      • Movable Type: The key innovation was the development of movable type, which allowed individual letters and characters to be arranged and rearranged quickly for each page, making the printing process much more efficient than previous methods.

    2. Technology and Process:

      • Typesetting: Movable metal type pieces were assembled into pages of text.

      • Ink: Oil-based ink was applied to the type.

      • Press: The inked type was pressed onto paper, parchment, or vellum using a screw press adapted from the wine and olive presses of the period.

      • Mass Production: This method allowed for the mass production of books and other printed materials, significantly reducing the cost and time required to produce them.

    3. The Gutenberg Bible:

      • First Major Work: One of Gutenberg's first major projects was the printing of the Gutenberg Bible (also known as the 42-line Bible) around 1455. This work demonstrated the potential of the printing press to produce high-quality, mass-produced books.

    Impact of the Printing Press

    1. Spread of Knowledge:

      • Books and Literacy: The printing press made books more accessible and affordable, leading to increased literacy rates. It facilitated the spread of knowledge, ideas, and education across Europe and eventually the world.

      • Standardization of Texts: Printed texts became more standardized, reducing errors and variations that were common in hand-copied manuscripts.

    2. Scientific Revolution:

      • Dissemination of Scientific Ideas: The printing press enabled scientists to share their discoveries and theories more widely and rapidly, contributing to the Scientific Revolution. Works like Copernicus' "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium" and Newton's "Principia Mathematica" could reach a broader audience.

      • Collaboration: The ability to print and distribute scientific findings facilitated collaboration and the cumulative advancement of scientific knowledge.

    3. Religious Reformation:

      • Martin Luther and the Reformation: The printing press played a crucial role in the Protestant Reformation. Martin Luther's 95 Theses were rapidly printed and disseminated, challenging the Catholic Church and leading to widespread religious reform.

      • Bible Translations: The printing press allowed for the production of Bibles in vernacular languages, making religious texts accessible to ordinary people and fostering personal interpretation of the scriptures.

    4. Cultural and Social Change:

      • Renaissance: The spread of printed materials contributed to the cultural movement of the Renaissance by making classical texts and new ideas more accessible.

      • Public Discourse: Pamphlets, newspapers, and other printed materials became tools for public discourse, political debate, and the spread of new ideas, laying the groundwork for modern democracy.

    5. Economic Impact:

      • Publishing Industry: The printing press gave rise to the publishing industry, creating new economic opportunities and professions.

      • Information Economy: The increased flow of information and knowledge contributed to economic growth and the development of more complex societies.Item description

  • Invented in 1947, the transistor replaced vacuum tubes in electronic devices, leading to smaller, more efficient, and more reliable electronics, and paving the way for the development of modern computers and other digital devices.