The following is a simulation of the Protein Folding Mechanism

The model below shows a molecular chain of amino acids that was constructed through the translation of mRNA by ribosomes within a cell. 
The chain can fold and take on a shape that enables an active protein.
Explore the role of hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acids on the shape of a protein folding in water. Water molecules exhibit polarity. 
Like tiny magnets they contain both positively and negatively charged regions, allowing them to interact through attraction with any amino acid that also displays a charge. 
Because of their attraction to water, polar and charged amino acids are said to be hydrophilic (water loving). 
When in water, amino acid chains will fold to maximize contact between charged amino acids and the polar water environment. 
Uncharged (hydrophobic) amino acids tend to clump at the center of the folded chain, away from the surrounding polar water molecules.
This work is made available courtesy of the Concord Consortium under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License."